Justin Pawlak FC RX7 Dyno at Road Race Engineering

Road Race Engineering and the people who work there, are my second family. Whenever someone of interest is coming into the shop for service or dyno tuning, the owner, Mike Welch, always drops me a line and gives me a heads up. A few weeks ago on June 13, Justin Pawlak was scheduled to come … Read moreJustin Pawlak FC RX7 Dyno at Road Race Engineering

Eugene Kretschmer – 2013 Formula Drift Rookie

We are ever so grateful for the rookies who take time to tell us their story. In this article, we get with 2013 Formula Drift Rookie, Eugene Kretschmer from San Jose California. Lets see what he has to say. How were you able to run all your events, and how long have you been drifting? … Read moreEugene Kretschmer – 2013 Formula Drift Rookie

Formula Drift Rookies – Streets of Long Beach

      It’s been a little over a week since Formula Drift Long Beach, and we’ve been wanting to get with the rookies who made an appearance, but decided to wait for their hectic travel and repair schedules to come to a rest. Now that everyone has settled in at home and started prepping for Atlanta, … Read moreFormula Drift Rookies – Streets of Long Beach

The Comeback Kid – Carl Rydquist

I’ve got a friend named Carl Rydquist I met a few years ago when Redline Time Attack was lively and popular here in the US. Carl has an extensive history and loads of experience in grip driving, and his results in time attack proved that, time and time again. Back then, I knew very little … Read moreThe Comeback Kid – Carl Rydquist

Robin Webber’s LS2 powered S13 240sx

A common sight today in the drifting community, are your usual Japanese cars fitted with roaring American muscle power plants. Now whether you agree or not with the decision of dropping an American power plant into a popular Japanese chassis, just continue reading and maybe you too will understand why many have decided to embrace … Read moreRobin Webber’s LS2 powered S13 240sx